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Getting The
Right Advice

Professional Forestry Advice

Laurie Forestry provides an extremely high level of service that ensures all our clients achieve the best possible outcomes.

Offering a broad range of services, and having an extensive knowledge of the forestry industry and its regulatory options, is integral to ensuring our clients make informed decisions when planning and executing their forestry projects.

Honesty and professionalism is fundamental to the way we do business and when working with Laurie Forestry you are assured of receiving a sincere and forthright service that has no nasty surprises.

Let us help you manage your forest.

Our Industry – a brief overview by Allan Laurie

Forestry has had a mixed reputation for its ability to provide growers a consistent return. This is because prices can fluctuate significantly which creates “an on again off again” rollercoaster ride for all involved.

Our industry has also had several examples of poor service delivery and some unprofessional operators.

At an international level NZ is generally a price taker (as opposed to a price maker) although in markets such as China we are a major softwood log supplier.

The NZ forest industry has had a questionable track record with how astute we have been in marketing of our wood products, which includes logs and lumber, which have consistently competed with each other in the same markets and we have struggled to manage wood flow. This has seen prices being driven up when demand is good and down when it is not.

Internationally, future wood demand and availability is consistently showing forests are being depleted at a far great rate than they are being planted. While the future for NZ forestry is extremely bright, we need to get smarter about how we are operating.

We provide a high level of service so that our clients achieve the best possible outcomes

  • We ensure all our clients get the right advice in order to make informed decisions and then we help execute the project.
  • Our commitment to our clients is to ensure all our services are provided honestly and professionally.
  • We actively work with international leaders to develop systems and processes which reduce costs and consistently deliver positive outcomes for our clients and the end users.

“The only way forward for climate and country
is to get out there and plant more trees”

– A. Laurie